Ad hoc oil refineries in Deir e-Zor 4-25-13
This video purports to show parts for ad hoc oil [...]
26 April 2013
This video purports to show parts for ad hoc oil refineries being shipped to oil-rich Deir e-Zor province through the Tal Abiad crossing with Turkey. Omar Abo Laila, the spokesman for the FSA General Staff Eastern Area, told SAS News on Thursday that oil is being produced in Deir e-Zor by “primitive methods that have negative impacts on the environment and health.”
Abo Laila called for sending modern equipment in line with international standarts. SAS News published an exclusive video report of a backyard refinery last February. [Click here to watch.] Earlier this week [Monday 22] the European Union decided to ease the oil embargo on Syria in order to help the “the civilian population and the opposition.” That enables the EU to buy crude oil from the rebels – if they can produce it without being hit by regime strikes from the air. Video courtesy of the Muhammad Nasir YouTube channel.