
24 02, 2019

Souriyeh / سوريّة: Damascus-Beqaa

By Madeline Edwards|2021-02-11T09:51:39+01:00February 24, 2019|

Hop onto any one of the public minibuses parked on the street outside, and you can be in Damascus in about an hour or two. It’s one of many reminders of home here at Women Now, a center run by Syrian women refugees in Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley.

24 02, 2019

Souriyeh / سوريّة: From ‘victims’ to providers of psychological support

By Ammar Hamou|2021-02-11T09:51:40+01:00February 24, 2019|

Mental health support for Syrian refugees is an important focus for civil society organizations in Jordan. But over the course of the Syrian conflict, traditional methods of psychological care have begun to lose their effectiveness, pushing Syrian women refugees to instead look for projects that focus on empowering themselves.

21 02, 2019

Souriyeh / سوريّة: Women’s voices from Syria

By Syria Direct|2021-02-11T09:53:50+01:00February 21, 2019|

For around five years, Judi Arash lived under siege in a bombed-out, encircled rebel-held area of northern Homs that, at one point, was restricted to just three square kilometers.As a respite, she threw herself into her job as a journalist, choosing to report on the conflict unfolding around her.

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