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Damascus: Mid-day news update 4-22-13

The update from Damascus and its suburbs is provided by Shahed [...]

22 April 2013

EyewitnessThe update from Damascus and its suburbs is provided by Shahed News, a network of vetted Syrian citizen journalists providing independent, accurate and reliable news from Damascus and its suburbs.


* Mortars continue to land on the district of Barzeh and the industrial area of the Qaboon district.

* Regime forces targets the town of Hajar al-Aswad with mortars and heavy artillery.

Outer Damascus:

* Following the destruction of al-Nour checkpoint with a car bomb, FSA battalions and Jabhat a-Nusra declare the fight for THAMICO facility, used by government forces.

* The heavy rocket and artillery bombardment continue on the city of Zamalka. Fierce clashes occurred near the Southern Highway.

* Heavy bombardment on the city of Moadamiyah results in injuring people and destroying residential buildings.

* The FSA wrecks a tank in fierce clashes near al-Otaybab. Large [government] force assembled to invade the town.

* Tank and rocket bombardment on al-Abadah, and a surface-to-surface missile land in the town. 

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