FSA claims capture of Damascus bus station
March 29, 2013 By Ahmed Kwider An Islamist battalion operating [...]
29 March 2013
March 29, 2013
By Ahmed Kwider
An Islamist battalion operating under the Free Syrian Army announced on Friday it has taken over a major bus station located at Abbasid Square, one of the gateways into the heart of the capital.
Rebel fighters from an Islamist brigade under Free Syrian Army command celebrate what they say is the capture of the main bus station in Damascus on Friday following an intense battle that began the day before. Here, fighters destroy images of President Bashar al-Assad in the departure section of the Pullman Garage, located close to Abbasid Square. Video courtesy of Liwa Jaysh al-Muslimeen
The Liwa Jaysh al-Muslimeen, or the Muslim Army Brigade, claimed credit, saying it had used mortar shells. The brigade said in a statement on Friday that it pledged to “increase its operations inside the middle of Damascus.”
The “Pullman Garage,” as it is known in Arabic, is the only major bus station in Damascus. Its bus lines reach all provinces in Syria, linking them to the capital.
The bus station, on the strategic Damascus-Homs highway, is 3 kilometers from the city center.