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Rebel fighter using $10,000 British-made sniper rifle 4-4-13

TARGET PRACTICE: This video shows a fighter in the Free Syrian [...]

4 April 2013

TARGET PRACTICE: This video shows a fighter in the Free Syrian Army’s Ahfad a-Rasoul Battalion mostly operating in Outer Damascus province using a British-made AS-50 sniper rifle. The AS-50 is an anti-materiel sniper rifle designed by British Accuracy International Ltd.

It is a gas-operated semi-automatic weapon known for its highly accurate and rapid fire at a range of up to 1,500 meters. The titanium rifle was originally designed for the British Forces and US Navy Seals. It is one of the most expensive sniper rifles, at a price of $10,000. It is not clear how the Syrian rebel fighter obtained the weapon. Video courtesy of Lewa Ahrar Asham

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