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Rebel fighters in north reject Coalition, call for sharia

REBEL RADICALIZATION: Thirteen military brigades in Aleppo Province issued a [...]

25 September 2013

REBEL RADICALIZATION: Thirteen military brigades in Aleppo Province issued a statement Tuesday refusing to recognize the Syrian National Coalition and its “temporary government” led by President Ahmad Touma. “The closer we get to a political solution, the more the fighters feel worried and anxious about losing the revolution’s rights and being marginalized as fighters,”Mowafaq Nirbia, a member of the Political Committee of the Syrian National Coalition told SyriaDirect on Wednesday.

“The right to represent the people should go to the people who lived its pain, and their honest contributions in sacrificing for it,” reads the statement.

“Those brigades are not united, but with this statement they unite on extremism,” said Nirbia.

Aleppo’s largest rebel group Liwa al-Tawheed, the FSA-affiliated Ahrar Al Sham and Al-Qaeda linked Jabhat AlNusra jointly called for sharia law in the city.

The groups disavowed allegiance to any group “not living under the conditions of the revolution inside the nation,” a reference to the Istanbul-based Coalition.

Video courtesy of lewaatawheed.

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