civil society

10 06, 2024
  • Local notables take part in organizing final high school exams in Inkhil, a city in the northern countryside of Daraa province, 26/5/2024 (My City Inkhil)

Daraa communities foot the bill for public education

By Walid Al Nofal|2024-06-11T22:10:17+02:00June 10, 2024|

Facing a teacher shortage and little government support, communities in Daraa are turning to alternative solutions: providing financial bonuses to keep underpaid teachers in classrooms and repairing school buildings themselves.

10 12, 2023
  • Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady of the United States from 1933-1945, holds a Universal Declaration of Human Rights Poster, 1949 (UN Photo)

Op-Ed: On HR 75, impunity is a pandemic—the UN should step up

By Mansour al-Omari|2023-12-10T13:44:41+01:00December 10, 2023|

As the Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 75, Syrian human rights activist and legal researcher Mansour al-Omari calls on the United Nations to take action against a “pandemic” of impunity, including appointing a Special Rapporteur on Impunity for international crimes.

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