Men of Dignity movement

26 06, 2024
  • Members of a local faction in Syria’s southern Suwayda province stand in the back of a military vehicle at the northern entrance of Suwayda city after a night of clashes with regime forces, 23/6/2024 (Karam Mansour/Syria Direct)

Suwayda sidesteps a ‘spiral of violence’ following clashes

By Karam Mansour|2024-07-16T15:06:42+02:00June 26, 2024|

A new security checkpoint in Suwayda city sparked angry protests and armed clashes between local factions and regime forces before an agreement negotiated by local civil and religious leadership averted further escalation. The incident underscores the delicate balance of keeping the peace in the southern province.

29 03, 2024
  • The Men of Dignity movement, the largest local faction in Suwayda, destroys a seized shipment of narcotics that was set to be smuggled from the southern Syrian province into Jordan, 9/2/2024 (Suwayda 24)

Communities in southern Syria take on the drug trade

By Walid Al Nofal|2024-03-29T18:27:02+01:00March 29, 2024|

Communities and local armed groups in Syria’s southern Suwayda and Daraa provinces are taking the fight against drug traffickers and smugglers into their own hands. With Damascus and Hezbollah profiting from the trade, they face an uphill battle.

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