Damascus: Mid-day news update 4-18-13
The update from Damascus and its suburbs is provided by Shahed […]
18 April 2013
The update from Damascus and its suburbs is provided by Shahed News, a network of vetted Syrian citizen journalists providing independent, accurate and reliable news from Damascus and its suburbs.
* Damascus the capital has been calm today, with the exception of the rocket bombardment on Jobar district and the industrial area in Qaboon.
Outer Damascus:
* The [government] bombardment continues on the Outer Damascus communities of Mouadamiyah, Darayya, Duma, Zamalka, Deir Khibeh and Bait Sahem.
* 17, including women and children, were killed in Jedaydat al-Fadel. Some of them were killed in the bombing and regime forces that invaded the town executed the others.
* Regime forces attempt to invade Darayya from the south, near Sahnaya, using more than 15 tanks and a large number of [army] vehicles. There were fierce battles [between the army and the FSA], as the later resisted. The city has been under [government] bombing since the morning; two civilians were killed and tens were injured. The air force has raided both Darayya and Mouadamiyah.
* Regime heavy artillery and rocket bombardment target the city of Zamalka. Fierce clashes [between the army and the FSA] occurred on the Southern Highway near the city at the same time.
* Fierce clashes [between the FSA and the army] near the city of Mouadamiyah. The FSA causes many losses to the government army.
* Republican Senator, John McCain expresses anger towards the Obama’s administration slow response to the Syrian crisis. The congressman insisted that the US should at very least, impose a no fly zone in Syria. In an Armed Services Committee hearing, the American administration renewed its opposition to military intervention in Syria.
* Despite Washington’s announcement of its military activities in Jordan, and the Syrian president’s warnings that the war might extend to it, Jordan stresses on Thursday, April 18, its rejection of any military involvement in Syria, and its backing a political solution for the crisis.
The update from Damascus and its suburbs is provided by Shahed News, a network of vetted Syrian citizen journalists providing independent, accurate and reliable news from Damascus and its suburbs.
* Damascus the capital has been calm today, with the exception of the rocket bombardment on Jobar district and the industrial area in Qaboon.
Outer Damascus:
* The [government] bombardment continues on the Outer Damascus communities of Mouadamiyah, Darayya, Duma, Zamalka, Deir Khibeh and Bait Sahem.
* 17, including women and children, were killed in Jedaydat al-Fadel. Some of them were killed in the bombing and regime forces that invaded the town executed the others.
* Regime forces attempt to invade Darayya from the south, near Sahnaya, using more than 15 tanks and a large number of [army] vehicles. There were fierce battles [between the army and the FSA], as the later resisted. The city has been under [government] bombing since the morning; two civilians were killed and tens were injured. The air force has raided both Darayya and Mouadamiyah.
* Regime heavy artillery and rocket bombardment target the city of Zamalka. Fierce clashes [between the army and the FSA] occurred on the Southern Highway near the city at the same time.
* Fierce clashes [between the FSA and the army] near the city of Mouadamiyah. The FSA causes many losses to the government army.
* Republican Senator, John McCain expresses anger towards the Obama’s administration slow response to the Syrian crisis. The congressman insisted that the US should at very least, impose a no fly zone in Syria. In an Armed Services Committee hearing, the American administration renewed its opposition to military intervention in Syria.
* Despite Washington’s announcement of its military activities in Jordan, and the Syrian president’s warnings that the war might extend to it, Jordan stresses on Thursday, April 18, its rejection of any military involvement in Syria, and its backing a political solution for the crisis.
تقرير | دمشق وريفها |18-4| #Syria | ملخص إخباري لأهم أحداث وأخبار العاصمة دمشق وريفها واهم التطورات السياسية ليوم حتى الثالثة من عصر اليوم :
– حالة من الهدوء تعيشها العصمة دمشق اليوم، تخللها استمرار القصف على احياء جوبر براجمات الصواريخ، وعلى المنطقة الصناعية في حي القابون.
ريف دمشق :
– استمرار القصف على مدن وبلدات الريف الدمشقي ولاسيما المعضمية وداريا ودوما وزملكا والديرخبية وبيت سحم.
– 17 شهيد حتى الآن في جديدة عرطوز الفضل منهم استشهد جراء القصف و منهم إعدام ميداني على يد قوات النظام بعد اقتحامهم لأحياء في البلدة كما من بين الشهداء أطفال و نساء.
– محاولة اقتحام مدينة داريا من قبل قوات النظام من جهة صحنايا بأكثر من 15 دبابة وعدد كبير من الأليات ومعارك عنيفة جداً في محاولة لصد الهجوم, وقصف عنيف جداً على المدينة لم يتوقف منذ الصباح أسفر عن استشهاد اثنين من المدنيين وسقوط عشرات الجرحى كما شن الطيران الحربي غارات على داريا و المعضمية
– قصف لقوات النظام بالمدفعية الثقيلة و راجمات الصواريخ على مدينة زملكا يستهدف المدينة/ بالتزامن مع إشتباكات عنيفة على أطراف المتحلق الجنوبي من جهة المدينة.
– إشتباكات عنيفة على أطراف مدينة المعضمية ، و الجيش الحر يكبد الجيش النظامي خسائر كبيرة.
التطورات السياسية :
– عبّر كبير الجمهوريين السناتور جون ماكين عن غضبه من تقاعس إدارة أوباما عن إنهاء الأزمة السورية، فيما طالب أعضاء في الكونغرس على الأقل بفرض منطقة حظر جوي في سوريا، بينما جددت الإدارة الأميركية معارضتها التدخل العسكري في سوريا خلال جلسة لجنة القوات المسلحة في مجلس الشيوخ.
– أكد الأردن، الخميس 18 أبريل/نيسان موقفه “الثابت” الرافض لأي تدخل عسكري في سوريا والمؤيد لحل سياسي للأزمة، رغم إعلان واشنطن تعزيز وجودها العسكري في المملكة وتحذير الرئيس السوري من امتداد الحرب إلى الأردن.