
25 09, 2023
  • Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and First Lady Asma al-Assad are greeted as they arrive in China’s eastern city of Huangzhou for the first state visit in nearly 20 years, 21/9/2023 (AFP Photo/Ho/SANA)

Assad ‘looking for handouts’ on rare trip to China

By Hanna Davis|2024-01-30T18:17:29+01:00September 25, 2023|

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited China for the first time in nearly 20 years this week, deepening ties between the two countries in the hopes of increased financial support that may not be forthcoming.

21 02, 2019

Souriyeh / سوريّة: Women’s voices from Syria

By Syria Direct|2021-02-11T09:53:50+01:00February 21, 2019|

For around five years, Judi Arash lived under siege in a bombed-out, encircled rebel-held area of northern Homs that, at one point, was restricted to just three square kilometers.As a respite, she threw herself into her job as a journalist, choosing to report on the conflict unfolding around her.

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