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IS opens medical school in A-Raqqa province

TRIAGE: Islamic State-affiliated news outlets announced Saturday the opening of [...]

4 January 2015


TRIAGE: Islamic State-affiliated news outlets announced Saturday the opening of a medical school in A-Raqqa province.

Twitter accounts associated with IS and other Salafi-jihadi news sites published the text of the announcement and conditions for joining the medical school. Trainees must be between 18-30 years old and have a high school average of at least 80 percent.

The school offers “theoretical” and “practical” training consisting of six stages, lasting three years total. Enrollment is open to men and women and is slated to begin this week.

medicalISISThe Islamic State’s announcement of their a-Raqqa medical school. Photo courtesy of @khatab_n.

In related news, IS-affiliated news outlets published a photo last week, visible above, reportedly showing fighters in Aleppo province carrying out the hadd punishment against a thief, which involves severing the hand.

One of the IS soldiers in the photos can be seen wearing white gloves, and what appear to be disinfectant and gauze wraps are visible next to him.

“A specialized medical team undertook the implementation of the hadd [punishment],” the picture’s caption reads.

-January 4, 2014

-Photo courtesy of @khatab_n and @pic_isis.

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