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Regime attempts to bomb rebels out of Sheikh Miskeen

DUCK AND COVER: The regime dropped a barrel bomb on [...]

2 December 2014


DUCK AND COVER: The regime dropped a barrel bomb on Sheikh Miskeen Tuesday in an effort to retake opposition gains in the embattled city, reported pro-opposition news agency Ugarit News Syria.

The bombing comes in the wake of the regime’s reported capture of buildings in west and east Sheikh Miskeen over the weekend.

Regime forces also destroyed a number of opposition vehicles in the city Monday, reported state media agency SANA.

Rebels, led by both Jabhat a-Nusra and local battalions, captured the majority of Sheikh Miskeen two weeks ago. The city sits on the strategic road to Damascus and has been the center of the rebel offensive in the province.

Opposition forces hope to cut off the supply line into Daraa city, and eventually advance to Damascus. 

The rebels in the province have been hit hard by a series of aerial regime attacks in the past several days.  On Sunday alone, the regime launched 22 airstrikes on rebel positions, at least 11 of which hit Sheikh Miskeen, reported pro-opposition news Syrian Coordination Union.

In this picture, purportedly taken in the town of Jasim just north of Sheikh Miskeen over the weekend, women run for cover as the smoke of a near explosion engulfs the background.

-November 2, 2014

-Photo courtesy of Al-Herak Mubashar.

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